Varicose Veins
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
Causes: increase in blood pressure inside the veins causing vein wall thinning. Occurs with overweight, pregnancy, tight belts and constipation.
To relieve pressure in leg veins:-
- Decrease time spent standing
- Reduce intra-abdominal pressure by:
- Reducing gas and constipation
- Avoiding overeating
- Avoiding excess fat on abdomen
- Avoid tight waist bands or belts
- When Sitting:- Don't allow pressure on back of thighs
- Don't Cross legs
- Prop feet up
- Reduce excess fat on legs
- Encourage deep breathing
- Vigorous outdoor exercise
- Reduce Swelling
For Painful Varicose Veins:-
- Alternate Leg Bath
- Elevate feet
- Elastic Stockings
For Varicose Ulcers:
- Tea Tree Oil dabbed on directly
Contra-indications over the area of the varicose veins
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Percussion or douche over veins.
- Hot Shower
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
for varicose ulcer: Fluxion: Alternating Applications with mechanical
Excellent results
Improve circulation by:
- Alternate Leg Bath - to knees - as hot as possible - ice water 1min hot and 1min cold (if cold shorter than hot, ulcers will get worse) for 20min
- Alternate Douche (spray) to legs 6-10 changes
- UV - water-cooled at 3-5cm to 1-2°erythema, weekly directly to ulcer
- air-cooled to ulcer and surrounds at 40-50cm, 3-4min 2-3X a week