Throat Congestion
SYN: Chronic Sore Throat (for acute see Throat Inflammation)
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
- Chronic Congestion In:
- Laryngitis
- Tonsillitis
- Typhoid Fever
- Fomentations 10 min every hour then Cooling Compress in interval and below
Treatment Method:
- Steam Inhalation 10 minutes every 4 hours
- Fomentations to throat at bedtime followed by Throat Compress and
- Wet Girdle worn through the night
Acute Congestion where spasm is severe... In:
- Laryngitis - chronic
- Spasmodic Croup
Treatment Method:
- Hot Blanket Pack or Hot Tub Bath repeated every 3-6 hours
- Hot Half Bath with cold Pail Pour to head, back and chest.
- followed by Very cold Neck Compress changed every 2-4 hours
- Fomentations to cervical and thoracic spine 15 min when compress is changed.
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Laryngitis
- Tonsillitis
- Typhoid Fever with severe spasm in
- Laryngitis
- Spasmodic Croup
- Active Chest Congestion
- Alveolar Abscess
- Autonomic Congestion
- Cerebral Congestion
- Cerebral Hyperaemia
- Cerebro-Spinal Congestion
- Chest Congestion
- Chronic Congestion
- Chronic Ovarian Congestion
- Congestive Pain
- Enteric Congestion
- Gastric Congestion
- Hepatic Congestion
- Hypostatic Congestion
- Acute Internal Congestion
- Intestinal Congestion
- Joint Congestion
- Lung Congestion
- Mechanical Congestion
- Nasal Congestion
- Nerve Congestion
- Passive Congestion
- Passive Chest Congestion
- Passive Hyperaemia
- Pelvic Congestion
- Portal Congestion
- Renal Congestion
- Sore Throat - Chronic
- Spinal Congestion
- Splenic Congestion
- Throat Congestion
- Uterine Congestion
- Vasomotor Congestion
- Visceral Congestion