from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
A general nervous Sedative effect for inducing sleep in insomnia. Most commonly a neutral tub bath or wet girdle.
Avoid all percussion or shock from too strong impressions.
- Neutral Tub Bath - the classic Sedative, 33-36°C, 30min to 2 hours - at bedtime.
- Wet Sheet Pack 21-24°C, wrung very dry, avoid perspiration by light covering.
- Neutral Douche 29-33°C, broken jet, 3 minutes.
- Cephalic Compress
- Evaporating Compress to head
- Revulsive Compress to spine
- Spinal Alternate Applications inc Alternate Douche
- Insomnia :-
- Abdominal Heating Compress worn at night
- Wet Girdle
- Insomnia due to fidgets or Cerebral Irritability or
- Delirium in Typhoid Fever or
- acute Mania :-
- Insomnia due to Spinal Irritation :-