

from Hydrothermic Remedies...

Avoid drugs for insomnia, they are habit forming and do not actually deal with the problem.



from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...

General Method:

Three causes of Insomnia:-

  1. Cerebral Congestion
  2. Cerebral Irritability
  3. A combination of 1 and 2

Determine the cause and treat accordingly.

Pathological Problems:


from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...


Cerebral Congestion

If portal circulation good Derivative to portal with protected:

If portal congestion or disease Derivative to skin by:

Hypnotic - can be used long term if followed by cold especially when Insomnia is caused by


in conjunction with - Sedative Scotch Douche

In the morning:



Sweating Treatments followed by Revulsive Graduated Tonic Cold 1-2times a week


from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...

see also Neurasthenic Insomnia when due to Sedentary Lifestyle

Cause : Nervous System Irritability, "can't go to sleep due to worry about their inability to sleep.

Aim: remove external stimuli and decongest spinal and cerebral centres.

Usually use Pure Sedatives, much better than drugs as...

  • less drowsy, feels normal, more normal sleep pattern


For milder cases...

  • Fomentations prolonged and moderate, 3x to spine just before bedtime followed by light rub to spine or body
  • tepid, spinal Pail Pour to lower thoracic and lumbar spine

for cases with Cerebral Hyperaemia as seen by cold feet

With all the above use overnight

In influenzal Pneumonia : Fomentations to back and spine

In Lobar Pneumonia : 3 Fomentations to the spine