Local Baths

Dr Kellogg says...
The hydriatrist must know not only that his apparatus and appliances are perfect and in perfect condition, but he must know exactly the condition of the patient to be treated, and must have a clearly defined rationale for each application made. Every prescription must have a sound physiological basis. Empiricism (relying solely on experiment and observation, or feelings not theory) is bad anywhere, but especially so in practical hydrotherapy. A profound knowledge of physiology and pathology is essential to success. pp 402,3
- Alternate Baths
- Alternate Foot Bath
- Arm Bath
- Cold Foot Bath
- Cold Local Bath
- Cold Rubbing Sitz
- Cold Sitz Bath
- Contrast Bath
- Elbow Bath
- Flowing Foot Bath
- Hot Half Bath
- Hand Bath
- Hot Foot Bath
- Hot Local Bath
- Leg Bath
- Neutral Sitz
- Partial Continuous Bath
- Prolonged Cold Sitz
- Revulsive Sitz
- Shallow Foot Bath
- Sitz Bath
- Starch Bath
- Very Hot Sitz