Temperature Table

Dr Kellogg says...
Use thermometers constantly. Check the room temperature, it should be around 18°C. In fevers 15°C is best, warmer and the patient is depressed.
Treatment temperatures may be adjusted to the patient, but they must be known and recorded.
The patient's temperature should be taken at the rectum. If this is not possible then make sure the mouth is kept closed around the thermometer if taken by mouth or the arm is kept close to the body for the axilla.
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
Average temperature and range °C
Tub Bath
- Cold Tub Bath 15, 10-20°C
- cool Tub Bath 24, 21-27°C
- Neutral Tub Bath 35, 33-36°C
- Hot Tub Bath 39, 38-41°C
- very hot Tub Bath 42, 40-46°C
- Brand Bath 21°C
- Shallow Bath Cold 15, 13-18°C
- Cool 24, 21-27°C
General Baths
- Hot Air Bath 71, 43-82°C
- Local Hot Air Bath 120, 94-150°C
- Turkish Bath 82, 60-120°C
- Russian Bath 52, 43-60°C
- Vapor Bath 55, 43-60°C
Local Baths
- Cold Foot Bath 13, 7-18°C
- Hot Foot Bath 46, 40-49°C
Sitz Baths
- Cold Sitz Bath 15, 13-18°C
- Neutral Sitz 35, 33-36°C
- hot Sitz Bath 46, 41-49°C
- Cold Douche 15, 10-20°C
- Hot Douche 46, 40-51°C
- Neutral Douche 35, 33-36°C
- Wet Hand Rub 15, 7-24°C
- Cold Mitten Friction 10, 0-20°C
- Cold Towel Rub 15, 5-24°C
- Wet Sheet Rub 15°C
- Wet Sheet Pack 15°C
- Hot Blanket Pack 55°C
- Sponge 21, 15-24°C
- Fomentations 60, 50-70°C
Pail Pour
- Pail Pour - Cold 15, 13-18°C
- Cool 24, 21-27°C
- Hot 45, 40-50°C
- Cold Plunge 15, 10-20°C