Galvanic Current
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
Anode - moderate strength
Antiphlogistic, Sedative
with simultaneous Cold 15-20°C, 30min-2hrs
- To the face in Coryza
- Over organs in Pelvic Congestion, Pulmonary Congestion
- To cervical and abdominal (celiac) sympathetic in
- Congestive Headache
- or if no relief to the head with very hot Fomentation to neck
- Prolonged with very hot Fomentation 55-60°C, 5-8min in
- Hepatic Congestion - over the liver
- Renal Congestion - over kidneys and lower sternum
- local application with Heating Compress wrung dry, very cold, flannel covered in
- chronic Visceral Congestion
Prolonged, mild application with
- Precordial Compress in Cardiac Insufficiency
- Very hot Fomentations 15-20min or Cold Compress 40-60min in
- Congestive Throbbing Pain
- Inflammation Pain
- Fomentations in Neuralgia with Joint Pain but no inflammation
Reflex Haemostatic
With cold Pelvic Pack or hot Vaginal Irrigation in
Cathode of Galvanism:- as strong as possible without pain
Stimulating, Fluxion
Preceding short vigorous cold (Cold Douche, Percussion Douche, Scotch Douche)with
- Revulsive Douche (H: 3-5min, C: 4-10sec) or Revulsive Compress (H: 5-15min, C: 15-30sec) in
- Visceral Congestion where there is no Inflammation Pain
- 60-80mA percutaneously to abdomen and lumbar with Cold Douche to feet, lumbar, umbilical and hypogastric areas in Dilated Colon causing
- To epigastrium with Ice Bag 30min before meal in Hypopepsia
- To uterus and skin with cold applications to lumbar, inner thighs and feet in Amenorrhoea
- Cold Mitten Friction or Heating Compress increases Stimulating effect on muscles in