Gastric Crises
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
Severe Pain in abdomen
- see Gastralgia
Treatment Method:
- Hot and Cold Abdominal Pack
- Revulsive Compress to stomach,
- Fomentations to spine, very hot to abdomen 3x daily
- Hot Foot Bath
- Hot Leg Pack
- Hot Tub Bath
- Very Hot Sitz or Very hot Epigastric Douche
- Galvanic Current to neck and epigastrium
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Analgesic for acute inflammations
- Revulsive Compress
- very hot Epigastric Douche
Digestive Dysfunctions
- Alternating Constipation and Diarrhoea
- Anal Spasm
- Biliousness
- Indigestion
- Bowel Obstruction
- Burp
- Decreased Peristalsis
- Diarrhoea
- Dilated Colon
- Dilation Vomiting
- Dyspepsia
- Eructations
- Excessive Peristalsis
- Faecal Accumulation
- Flatulence
- Foul Tongue
- Gas
- Gas Distension
- Gastric Crises
- Gastric Exhaustion
- Gastric Hypersecretion
- Gastroptosis
- Heartburn
- Hepatic Inactivity
- Hernia
- Inactive Gastric Glands
- Inactive Intestinal Glands
- Indigestion
- Intestinal Catarrh
- Intestinal Ulcerations
- Insensitive Rectum
- Irreducible Prolapse
- Liver Dysfunction
- Loss of Appetite
- Low Motility
- Morning Sickness
- Mucous Stools
- Mucus Morning Vomiting
- Nausea
- Overeating
- Peristalsis - Excessive
- Peristalsis - Decreased
- Poor Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Poor Intestinal Digestion
- Pyrosis
- Rectal Spasm
- Regurgitation
- Slow Sugar Breakdown
- Sordes
- Thirst
- Torpid Liver
- Tympanites
- Vomiting
- Wind