SYN: Diarrhea, Chronic Diarrhoea, Intestinal Catarrh
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
- Charcoal for Diarrhoea
- Large Charcoal Poultice to abdomen.
- Ice Pack to lower abdomen.
- Limit diet to bananas, blended fresh apple without core or skin, smooth zwieback, potato,or rice. Avoid fibre
- One tablespoon of corn flour in one glass of water
If these measures do not promptly control the diarrhoea, consult your doctor immediately. Loss of water and normal body chemicals can be extremely serious, especially in small children.
For severe cases see Cholera
For chronic cases:
- Neutral Tub Bath especially associated with Anxiety
- Cold Sitz Bath
If fever or cramping persists or diarrhea does not clear in 24 hours see a Doctor to determine the cause.
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
- Gastroenteritis
- Chronic Diarrhoea
- Hyperthyroidism
- Rheumatic Fever
- Meningitis
- Mumps
- Lobar Pneumonia
- Influenza
- Heroin, Opium and Cocaine
- Tea and Coffee use Neutral Enema
- Typhoid Fever
- Scarlet Fever - Enema 24-27°C
- Smallpox
- Cholera
- Tuberculosis
Treatment Method:
- Hot Enema 40-46°C 1 ltr, then Cold 21°C 500ml or copious
- Neutral Enema 35°C or after each bowel movement then...
- Fomentations to abdomen 15 min every 2 hours if pain and tenderness then...
- Abdominal Heating Compress, 15°C, changed every 20-30 min
If skin is cold:
- Hot Tub Bath 5 min followed by short Cold Towel Rub
- or Hot Leg Pack
- Fruit Juice diet for 1-2 days
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Visceral Irritation
- treat with Abdominal Heating Compress
Treat Visceral Congestion
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
- Irritable Rectum with tenesmus
- Intestinal Colic
In acute cases in children and adults whether due to dietary indiscretions or acute intestinal infection Use:
Digestive Dysfunctions
- Alternating Constipation and Diarrhoea
- Anal Spasm
- Biliousness
- Indigestion
- Bowel Obstruction
- Burp
- Decreased Peristalsis
- Diarrhoea
- Dilated Colon
- Dilation Vomiting
- Dyspepsia
- Eructations
- Excessive Peristalsis
- Faecal Accumulation
- Flatulence
- Foul Tongue
- Gas
- Gas Distension
- Gastric Crises
- Gastric Exhaustion
- Gastric Hypersecretion
- Gastroptosis
- Heartburn
- Hepatic Inactivity
- Hernia
- Inactive Gastric Glands
- Inactive Intestinal Glands
- Indigestion
- Intestinal Catarrh
- Intestinal Ulcerations
- Insensitive Rectum
- Irreducible Prolapse
- Liver Dysfunction
- Loss of Appetite
- Low Motility
- Morning Sickness
- Mucous Stools
- Mucus Morning Vomiting
- Nausea
- Overeating
- Peristalsis - Excessive
- Peristalsis - Decreased
- Poor Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Poor Intestinal Digestion
- Pyrosis
- Rectal Spasm
- Regurgitation
- Slow Sugar Breakdown
- Sordes
- Thirst
- Torpid Liver
- Tympanites
- Vomiting
- Wind