Local Pail Pour


from Hydrothermic Remedies...

  • Pour from up to 60cm, 2' high if strong reaction is desired
  • Hot pour for Analgesic and Tonic
  • Neutral pour to spine is Sedative
  • Cold Pour is Stimulating and if prolonged reduces congestion and inflammation and enhances the local immune system
  • Alternate Stimulant of the immune system good for infection such as Boils on trunk or thighs


from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...

Cold in:

Prolonged Cool (15-60 min 24°C, 75°F) in:

Neutral to the spine in:

Sedative in


see General Pail Pour


from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...

  • To spine: sits on edge of, or in tub on stool
  • To head: lies on bed with head over the end over tub
  • To limb: over tub
  • Water should fall between 5-60cm depending on effect desired.