Uterine Displacements
SYN: Retroversion and Procidentia and all prolapses requiring surgery, Subinvolution
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
Treatment is the same for Endometriosis or Retroversion
- To reduce Pelvic Congestion:-
- hot Sitz Bath alternating with Cold Sitz Bath or
- Hot and Cold Compresses to Sacrum, feet and legs with heavy friction
- Cold Mitten Friction in all cases
- For tilting of the uterus, for several nights before menstruation:-
- Empty bowel before bed time, use small Cold Enema if needed
- Before sleeping, hold knees to chest for 5min
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
Treatment Method:
in conjunction with surgery
- Vaginal Irrigation daily (43-46°C if pain, 27-21°C if painfree)
- Tonic Cold Rubbing Sitz
- Graduated Tonic Cold
- see Enteroptosis
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Pelvic Atony
- Pelvic Congestion - especially after childbirth
- Weak Abdominal Muscles
To reduce:
- Hot Tub Bath with Massage in bath
Treat Visceral Congestion
- cold Applications to Mucous Passages to the uterus
- cold Hypogastric Douche
- Cold Sitz Bath
If No congestion
- cold Abdominal Douche
If causing Backache
Involving broad ligaments
- Dana's Areas 14
With cervix infection
- hot uterine Applications to Mucous Passages
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Reproductive Dysfunctions
- Childbirth
- Endometriosis
- Endometritis
- Endometritis - Acute
- Genital Atony
- Infantile Uterus
- Labour
- Leucorrhoea
- Menopause
- Ovarian Disease
- Parturition
- Pelvic Atony
- Pelvic Haematocele
- Polyps
- Primary Dysmenorrhoea
- Pregnancy
- Procidentia
- Prolapse
- Puerperal Complications
- Retroversion
- Subinvolution
- Suppressed Menstruation
- Uterine Atony
- Uterine Disease
- Uterine Displacements
- Uterine Inflammation