from Hydrothermic Remedies...
- Therapeutic diet
- Prolonged Neutral Tub Bath daily followed by Cold Mitten Friction
- Sweating Treatments 2 x a week
- Graduated Cold but no prolonged treatments
- Vigorous outdoor exercise to fatigue daily
- Copious water drinking
To Pre-empt a threatened attack:
- Copious Water drinking
- Neutral Tub Bath with ice to head
- Enema
After Attack:
- Rest
- Half Bath then Cold Mitten Friction
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
General Method:
- Simple Aseptic Diet mainly fruits and grains
- Vigorous outdoor exercise to fatigue daily
- prolonged Neutral Tub Bath daily
- Sweating Treatments 2-3 times a week with ...
- Graduated Tonic Cold avoiding prolonged or intense applications
- copious Water Drinking
- Regularity in all vital functions
- Avoid all nervous exhaustion or irritation
When Attack Threatened:
- Coloclyster 2x a day
- neutral Wet Sheet Pack
- Cephalic Compress to Head
- Bed Rest
- If aura in hand or foot place it in cold water
After Attack:
- Rest with Cold Compress to Head
- Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub
- Half Bath
- Scotch Douche to legs and Percussion Douche to spine
Diseases of:
Nervous System
- Acute Myelitis
- Amyotrophic Sclerosis
- Bell's Palsy
- Brachial Neuralgia
- Brain Attack
- Cataracts
- Chorea
- Chronic Fatigue
- Chronic Myelitis
- Convulsions of Childhood
- Dementia Paralytica
- Depression
- Drug Addictions
- Earache
- Epilepsy
- Eye Inflammations
- General Paresis
- Heatstroke
- Hemiplegia
- Herpes Zoster
- Hyperactivity
- Hysteria
- Insanity
- Insomnia
- Locomotor Ataxia
- Mania
- Mastoiditis
- Mental Illness
- Migraine
- Multiple Neuritis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neuralgia
- Neurasthenia
- Neurasthenic Insomnia
- Neuritis
- Otitis
- Paralysis Agitans
- Parkinsons Disease
- Poliomyelitis
- Polyneuritis
- Raynauds Disease
- Reflex Irritations
- Senility
- Shingles
- Splanchnic Neurasthenia
- Stroke
- Sunstroke
- Tabes Dorsalis
- Writer's Cramp