Nervous Tension
SYN: Stress
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
- Muscle Tension and Fatigue
Affects the nerves, glands organs and blood vessels
Can produce:
- Peptic Ulcer
- Hypertension
- Colitis
- Asthma
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- and many more
- Hot Shower or Cold Shower as preferred
- Neutral Tub Bath or Hot Mitten Friction at night.
- Cold Mitten Friction in the morning
- Towel Bath
- Fomentations
- Russian Bath
- Massage
- Avoid irritants in alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee and colas
- Avoid vinegar, baking soda, pepper and spices
- Avoid over stimulating reading, viewing or conversation
- Avoid any kind of drugs as they stress the nerves, use hydro
- Therapeutic Diet to get enough vitamin C and D and minerals
- Deep breathing exercises
- Daily outdoor exercise especially walking or gardening
- Adequate sleep, even naps during the day
- Positive response to challenges
- Trust God and develop cheerfulness
- For long-term relief of stress try Meditating with Jesus, a simple technique I developed for people with dementia. To learn the technique, go to the User-Experience Survey where you will complete a brief survey and join a simple study to assess if Meditating with Jesus does actually work.
If the patient continues to develop more serious mental symptoms, consult a psychiatrist.
Neurological Dysfunctions
- Agitation
- Anal Spasm
- Anorexia
- Anxiety
- Aphonia
- Asthma - Reflex
- Ataxia
- Atrophy
- Bladder Atony
- Bladder Paresis
- Burning Feet
- Celiac Irritation
- Clonic Spasm
- Cold Extremities
- Coma
- Convulsions
- Debility
- Delirium
- Delirium Tremens
- Dizziness
- Dreams
- Drowsiness
- Exaggerated Spinal Reflexes
- Exhaustion
- Fidgets
- Flushes
- General Weakness
- Girdle Sensation
- Hyperaesthesia
- Hypochondria
- Lightning Pains
- Loss of Muscular Sense
- Memory Loss
- Muscle Twitching
- Nervous Asthma
- Nervous Excitability
- Nervous System Irritability
- Nerve Irritability
- Nervous Tension
- Neurogenic Arthropathy
- Neurosis
- Night Sweats
- Numbness
- Paralysis
- Paraplegia
- Paresis
- Paraesthesia
- Photophobia
- Prickling in Legs
- Psychoses
- Restlessness
- Sclerosis - spinal
- Sensory Loss
- Somnolence
- Stress
- Tachycardia
- Tremor
- Urine Retention
- Vertigo
- Weakness