Visceral Anaemias

Dr Kellogg on...
Visceral Anaemias
Local anaemias (are) indicated by coldness of the external parts. (K. was referring to cold genitals indicating pelvic anaemia.)
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
Treatment Method:
- Visceral Douches as apply
- Alternate Scotch Douche
- Short Percussion Douche over part
- Alternate Compress over part followed by...
- protected Heating Compress
- protected Wet Girdle at night
- Cool Enema 24-20°C, 0.5-1.5 litres
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
Almost always from a prolapse irritating autonomic centres resulting in Vasomotor Spasm and anaemia
Can result in:-
- Renal Inactivity
- Constipation
- Hepatic Inactivity
- Dysfunctions of any of the Viscera ie
- Local anaemias in Amenorrhoea
- Infantile Uterus of Genital Atony
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Peptogenics in hepatic anaemia