Hot Douche
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
46, 40-51°C 15sec-5min
General: with slight pressure in:-
- Hyperaesthesia
- Neuralgia
- Paraesthesia
- General Neuralgic Pain
- Sciatica
- Sprains
- Joint Pain
- Hyperpepsia
- Chronic Gastritis
- Gastric Ulcer
- Hepatic Congestion
- Pelvic Inflammation
- Night Sweats
- Muscle Spasm
- chronic Eczema,
- sometimes useful in irritations especially
Very Hot:
Begin at 38°C increase gradually in 30-60sec to slightly painful temperature (50°C) Use patient sensation as a guide while increasing as rapidly as possible without pain.
43-50°C 10-30sec 30-40lbs in
5-10 sec in depressed conditions especially
- Renal Inactivity
- Heart Failure - avoid precordial area, to replace the Cold Douche (40lbs)
1-2 min in
- Exhaustion from over-exertion
- Prostate Congestion in Prostatitis