from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
- Hysteria
- Chronic Diarrhoea with Weakness
- Gastric Dilation with Low Resistance
- Depression
- Insanity
- Pernicious Anaemia - 2x a week
- Chlorosis - 2 no Neutral Tub Bath needed
- Migraine - 2
- Neurasthenia - 2
- Mania - 3
- General Paresis - 3
- Myxedema - build up to cold Percussion Douche to Spine
- use Ice Bag over heart during heating
- Hyperthyroidism - 2 and 3 Neutral Tub Bath 20-30 min
- Scarlet Fever - water drinking and fruit diet
Treatment Method:
- Short Sweating Treatments 3-8 min then Graduated Tonic Cold daily to 2x a week
- prolonged Neutral Tub Bath daily 1-3 hours
2. above and
- Fruit Diet for 3-4 days then Aseptic Diet
- Large Hot Enema daily
- copious Water Drinking especially carbonated
- Outdoor life
- Sun Bath
3. above and
- Coloclyster 27°C daily for a few days to 2 weeks
- Neutral Tub Bath 30-60 minutes
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Toxaemia with the body's own toxins
- overproduction - after over-exertion causing fatigue and exhaustion
- retention - diminished excretion eg Coryza, Dilated Colon
- Sudorific
- Eliminative
- Aseptic Diet
- Sweating Pack
- Sweating Treatments
- cleansing Coloclyster
- sand Air Bath