Low Resistance
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
- Hyperpepsia
- Hypopepsia
- Gastric Dilation 2
- Chronic Gastritis
- Rickets
- Scurvy and Purpura 3
- Chronic Coryza
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Chlorosis
- Osteoarthritis - 2
- Pelvic Peritonitis
- Irritable Rectum
- Typhoid Fever - 4 - without the heat
- Malaria - 1 with Cool 21°C Coloclyster 2x daily - treat only between paroxysms or in remission
- - 2 for leucocytosis
- Scarlet Fever - 5
- Smallpox - 5
- Diphtheria - 2 Fomentations to spine or short Hot Tub Bath 2-3x a day
- Lobar Pneumonia - 2 heat to chest and back 2-4x a day
- Yellow Fever - 2 with cool Enema 2x a day or more with vomiting
- Influenza - Vigorous - 2
- Cholera - vigorous - 2
- Plague - at least every 3 hours
- Tuberculosis
- Whooping Cough
Treatment Method:
- Graduated Tonic Cold 2-4x daily with Tonic Activities
- copious Water Drinking
- Aseptic Diet, Haemopoiesis Diet with abundant fruit
- Short Sweating Treatments followed by Graduated Tonic Cold (with autointoxication)
- Neutral Tub Bath 3x a week, 30-60 min
- Cold Towel Rub carefully, 2x daily
- Gentle massage
- Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub 2-4x a day with
- simultaneous Hot Leg Pack or foot Pack, or by
- Hot Water Bottle to sacrum and Cold Compress to hypogastrium
- Avoid Cold Mitten Friction
- Hot Blanket Pack 3-8 min followed by Cooling Pack to Heating before removed or
- heating Wet Sheet Pack followed by Cold Towel Rub,
- Wet Sheet Rub in bed or Tepid Pail Pour 29-27°C in tub
Other Dysfunctions
- Addison's Disease
- Amyloid Degeneration
- Ascites
- Bed Wetting
- Buboes
- Cancer
- Chills
- Debility
- Dyspnoea
- Enlarged Liver and Spleen
- Enlarged Spleen
- Enlarged Thyroid
- Gumma
- Hepatic Hypertrophy
- Heat Exhaustion
- Hypothermia
- Liver Damage
- Liver Enlargement
- Low Resistance
- Malarial Cachexia
- Profuse Perspiration
- Purpura Oedema
- Relapsing Malaria
- Rheumatic Fever Sequelae
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Spleen Enlargement
- Swollen Face
- Thyroid Enlargement
- Typhoid Complications
- Typhoid State