from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
- Bronchitis
- Neuritis
- Neuralgia
- Hyperpepsia
- Multiple Neuritis - 2
- Tabes Dorsalis
- Functional Cardiac Diseases - 2
- Typhoid Fever - 3
- Diphtheria - 4
- Lobar Pneumonia - sweating Wet Sheet Pack 2-4 hours, Enema 34°C
- Yellow Fever - 2 and above
- Influenza
- Cholera - 2 etc
Treatment Method:
- Sweating Treatments 2-3x a week preferably Electric Light Bath 10-20 min followed by...
- Dry Friction of skin or Oil Rub bing, daily followed by...
- Graduated Tonic Cold especially Cold Mitten Friction
- Enema daily, for 7-10 days 21°C retaining second part
- copious Water Drinking
- Aseptic Diet avoid all excesses and beverages
2. above and
- prolonged Neutral Tub Bath 1-2 hours daily, if weak begin at 30 min and at 35° and lower daily to 32°C,
- Daily Coloclyster and Gastric Lavage
3. above and
- Neutral Tub Bath 1-3 hours 2x a day
- Cold Enema
- Hot Blanket Pack 15 min then heating Wet Sheet Pack
- Copious Enemas 2x a day
- copious Water Drinking with lots of fruit juices
- Fomentations to spine or short Hot Tub Bath followed by...
- Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub 2-3x a day
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Eliminative and Sudorific
- Eliminative Neutral Tub Bath in all chronic disorders
- Tonic especially in chronic cases
- Spinal Alternate Applications in GI disorders
- Stimulating Hot Tub Bath - with cyanosis in fevers
- Cold Douche from infections of the bowels
- stage I Wet Sheet Pack
- cold spinal Percussion Douche
- Scotch Douche after sweating treatment
- Mud Baths
- Sweating Treatments especially Russian Bath and Electric Light Bath
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Systemic poisoning
- Cerebral Congestion especially in chronic poisoning
- Congestive Headache
- Hyperaemic Headache
- Toxaemic Headache in acute drug poisoning
- Migraine
- Mild Diaphoretics and Diuretics to hasten elimination. Mild because of weakness and debility
- short Electric Light Bath
- copious Water Drinking
- Sweating Pack