SYN: Chronic Fatigue, ME, Nervous Exhaustion, Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder FNsD), Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), conversion disorder

Dr Kellogg says...
Chronic Invalids
The chronic invalid rarely has a fair chance unless he can have brought to bear upon his case simultaneously all the various physiological agents which are indicated. To undertake to cure a chronic dyspeptic by diet alone, by water alone or by electricity or exercise alone or by any other single agent is very much like raising a great building with one jack-screw.
All the lifting agencies possible must be set at work to get these chronic sufferers out of their physiological ruts.
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
Kellogg called this Neurasthenia, his treatment follows:
All neurasthenics present with different symptoms and so must be treated accordingly. No one patient will have all or only those problems listed below
Diet is usually a fruit and grain one, some cases benefit from a high milk intake.
Prayer, Faith and Hope are essential ingredients to recovery which may take quite some time.
(Kellogg lists things that interfere with nerve nutrition or use excess "nerve force")
- Excessive mental work especially if disliked or stressful.
- Loss of sleep
- Sexual Excess especially with feelings of guilt
- Dietary errors especially excess meat and stimulating condiments
- Use of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and strong tea
- Habitual use of anti-depressants and sleeping pills
(of course he was guessing, today we're into the viral infection - immune depression theory)
1. Nervous System Impairments
Kellogg felt that these were the real nature of the disease. In some patients the brain was mainly affected, in others the spinal centres, in still others both brain and cord. Graduated Tonic Cold was used in all cases.
All of these treatments also boost the immune system as well, increasing the numbers of white blood cells in circulation, increasing their efficiency and generally building up resistance to disease. Metabolism is also increased. These two factors may account for part of the success Kellogg had although he attributed it all to the nervous effects.
1.1 General Nervous System Impairment in...
- Fatigue
- Lassitude
- Exhaustion on exercise
- Begin with Cooling Friction or Towel Bath
- Wet Sheet Rub or Dripping Sheet
- Wet Sheet Pack
- Cold Mitten Friction
- short Cold Shower (work up to 2min)
- Wet Hand Rub
- Sun Bath 10min, spend as much time outside as possible
1.2 Brain Impairments:
- exercise in the open air, but not to the point of fatigue.
- For Cerebral Congestion
- Reflex Massage to finger joints and wrists, and heels
- Hot and Cold Head Compress
- Hot Foot Bath
- For Congestive Headaches (hot, flushed face, red eyes, bulging neck arteries, "bursting" feeling, cold feet and hands)
- Ice Bag to back of head
- Cold Compress to the face
- Ice Collar
- Simultaneous to Head
- some of the above combined with...
- Hot Foot Bath
- Hot Leg Pack
- Heating Compress to legs
- Cold Foot Bath 10°C until toes, rub feet together, till toes red
- Alternate Foot Bath
- Warm Socks
- For Frontal Headache
- Revulsive Compress to forehead and eyes, (ie 4min hot, 30sec cold)
- Heating Trunk Pack
- Hot Foot Bath
- For Insomnia
- Neutral Sponge 3-5min at bedtime
- Wet Sheet Pack Stage III
- Hot Foot Bath
- Cold Compress to head
- Heating Compress to legs and Abdomen followed by
- For Vertigo
- Fomentation to Stomach followed by Abdominal Heating Compress
- Heat to the back of the neck
- Hot Compress 2min, Cool 15sec to face and top of head
- For Cold Feet, Legs and Hands
- Cold Foot Bath
- Fomentations to Abdomen 2x daily, with Heating Compress in between
- Alternate Foot Bath (hot 3min, cold 1min)
- Massage with oil (vigorous and prolonged)to Feet and legs
- Cold Mitten Friction
- Wet Hand Rub to Feet and legs
- For Feeling of Coldness between the shoulders
- For Cerebral Anaemia (ie low blood flow as opposed to congestion) usually treatments involve heat to the head to attract circulation
- Fomentation to head
- For Occipital Headache (pain at base of skull at back)
- Hot Compress or Sponge to painful area
- Revulsive Compress
- Hot and Cold Head Compress
- Alternate Sponge to Spine
- For Nervous Headache similar to migraine
- Fomentation to painful area with simultaneous Hot Foot Bath
- Relieve Constipation see below
- For Sensation of Pressure on Top of Head as for Congestive Headache
- Sleep with head elevated
- For Sensation of Band Around Head
- hot Sponge or Hot Compress
- Alternate Sponge neck and upper spine
- Massage to head
- For Eye Pain or Photophobia
- Light Fomentation over eyes and forehead
- Massage to Face
- Avoid bright light
1.3 Spine Impairments:
General Treatments:
- rest, and avoid exertion, with abundant, nutritious food
- Cold Sponge (18°C)
- Spinal Massage
- For Nervous System Irritability (ie where spasms and pains occur easily)
- hot Sponge to Spine
- For Neuralgias
- Begin with Fomentations to the area, when pain has subsided after a few days begin Graduated Tonic Cold to area.
- For Muscle Tension and soreness
- Cold Mitten Friction
- Wet Sheet Pack Stage II
- For Trigger Point Pains (Muscular Rheumatism)
- Alternate Compress
- Massage to area
- Cold Sponge to Spine
- For Sweats especially Night Sweats
- Very hot Sponge to whole body but especially chest and abdomen before bed
- Very Hot Shower
- For Flushes
- For Fidgets
- Fomentations to Abdomen followed by Heating Trunk Pack
- Revulsive Sitz
- neutral Local Pail Pour to Spine
- For Insomnia (from irritability not congestion)
- Neutral Tub Bath at Bed Time
- neutral Wet Sheet Pack
- For Reflex Irritations of the Pelvic Organs (ie Irritations of the Reproductive or Urinary Systems)
- Revulsive Sitz
- Prolonged Neutral Sitz
- Hot Foot Bath
- Hot Pelvic Pack
- For Reflex Irritations of the Digestive System (includes Entero-Colitis and Enteritis, Gastritis and other inflammations) usually accompanied by diarrhoea
- Fomentations on the abdomen 3x daily, 15 min, abdominal
- Heating Compress in intervals between.
- Backache
- Fomentations to abdomen
- Heating Trunk Pack
- Alternate Spinal Sponge
- Revulsive Sitz
- Muscle Weakness especially of legs
1.4 Mental Problems:
- Depression
- Sweating Treatments
- Sun Bath 10min,
- Neutral Tub Bath 1 hour daily,
- Alternate Spinal Sponge or Spinal Douche
- Dreams
- Neutral Tub Bath ½ hour before going to bed
- Heating Trunk Pack
- Evaporating Compress to head (ie thin cold compress)
- Elevate bed head
- Don't eat after 4pm, except fruit
2. Toxicity
(ie toxins, wastes and byproducts in the blood stream or locally in tissues) Most inflammatory conditions involve toxicity. In chronic toxicity symptoms include nausea, headache, insomnia and exhaustion as well as all those listed under Nervous System Irritability above.
- Fruit Diet
- Daily Neutral Tub Bath 1-3 hours
- Cleansing Enemas
- Copious Water Drinking
- Sweating Treatments 3-6min with following Cold Mitten Friction
- Out doors as much as possible
3. Digestive Problems
3.1 Diarrhoea see above
3.2 Indigestion
- Low Fat diet ie.fruits
- Fomentation over Stomach 3x daily 15 min, with
- Heating Compress between
3.3 Nausea
3.4 Constipation
- abdominal Massage
- Increase Water intake between meals especially in the morning
- Abdominal Heating Compress at night
- Fomentation over liver
- Cold Rubbing Sitz
3.5 Anorexia
- cold Water Bottle over Stomach ½ hour before meals
- Cold Mitten Friction
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
General Method:
- Tonics are essential but must be very skillfully handled so as not to allow the cold to worsen the symptoms
- Special attention to digestion, circulation, and nutrition.
Etiological Problems:
- From overwork or weight loss: - Rest
- From mental and nervous exhaustion: - Exercise and diversion
Pathological Problems:
treat these conditions if present
Clinical Problems:
- Anorexia
- Backache
- Chronic Diarrhoea
- Cold Extremities
- Constipation
- Debility
- Depression
- Dermographia
- Dreams
- Eye Pain
- Fidgets
- Flushes
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Muscle Weakness in legs
- Nervous System Irritability with exaggerated spinal reflexes
- Neuralgia
- Neurasthenic Headaches
- Night Sweats
- Photophobia
- Vertigo
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Uraemia - Uric Acid Diasthesis
- Celiac Irritation from Enteroptosis
- Autointoxication in Dilated Colon
- Acidosis
- Anaemic Headache
- Cerebral Anaemia
- Cerebral Congestion
- Cerebral Irritability
- Cold Extremities due to Reflex Irritations vasoconstriction
- Debility
- Emaciation
- Feverishness
- Flushes
- Inactive Skin
- Muscle Weakness
- Nervous System Irritability - hot Sponge to spine - Analgesic
- Obesity
- Portal Congestion
- Profuse Perspiration
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Spinal Irritation - Dana's Areas 3, 9, 11 and 17
- Toxaemia - Aseptic Diet
- Uraemia
Mildest Tonic and build up to Tonic ie Graduated Tonic Cold
If sensitive:
- Aseptic Diet
- Simultaneous Scotch Douche or graduated Scotch Douche
- very hot Percussion Douche early in cases that fear cold
- Cold Douche eventually becomes sheet-anchor
- cold spinal Percussion Douche
- tepid Fan Douche
Alterative especially in chronic cases
- daily cold Spinal Douche - excellent results
- Alternate Douche as a Spinal Douche
Due to excessive cerebral activity, Cerebral Congestion
- cold Plantar Douche
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
see also
- Many causes, always more than one:
- Worry, grief and social or financial disappointment all lead to overactivity of the brain and neurasthenia. So treatment requires Sedatives to secure rest and Tonics to restore normal nerve activity.
- Indigestion, Dyspepsia - always present. Is it a cause or effect of nerve exhaustion?
- Sedentary Lifestyle - lack of outdoor exercise
- Nervous shocks
Condition is a mixture of:
- General nerve and brain exhaustion with vasomotor derangement and unbalanced circulation. These require Sedatives.
- Deranged digestion
- The latest thinking (mid 2000) on chronic fatigue is that the immune system is actually over-active - so don't stimulate it any more. It is probably irritable, as in asthma, so use Pure Sedatives.
- Patient to be trained in proper diet, rest and exercise.
- Variable symptoms so treatment must be individualised. Trial various treatments, take note of effects and patient's reactions.
- Psychology plays an important part so if the patient doesn't like a particular treatment then don't do it.
- Spend time explaining to the patient.
Use: Pure Sedatives or Tonic Sedatives
First treatment:to acquaint patient and attendant
- Deep Warm Tub Bath 37°C 15min and Tub Shampoo followed by warm then cool Pail Pour - to test reactivity.
Second treatment: to warm the cold feet and relieve abdominal discomfort - continue as required
- Hot Foot Bath with abdominal Fomentations concluded with
Then up the Graduated Tonic Cold ladder.
- Wet Sheet Pack often disliked "restricting, nervous"
- Sitz Bath is very good see Pelvic Congestion , to reduce abdominal and Pelvic Congestion and Enteroptosis
- also - slow Sinusoidal Tub Bath
- Weekly Electric Light Bath 3-4min begin perspiration followed by a Spray with or without Shampoo
- Gardening helps greatly due to effects of
- Free Water Drinking between meals
Best programme:
- Daily Tonic
- Short Sedative each afternoon or night maybe with Massage
- Rest, recreation and gardening between
- At night Wet Girdle
- Don't do many local treatments for specific problems, as this focusses on patient's problems. Integrate in general treatments.
- Excitant in extreme cases