SYN: Goitre, Goiter, enlarged thyroid gland, exophthalmic goiter, parenchymatous goitre
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
The Thyroid Gland affects the metabolism of every cell in the body.
Hyperthyroidism or Overactive thyroid causes:-
- Increased body temperature
- Increased pulse rate
- Occasional diarrhea with constipation between
- Large appetite without weight gain or even loss
- Mental state resembling Mania
Treat an Overactive thyroid gland by:-
- Alternate Compress to neck and upper chest (over the thyroid) Hot 6min, ice cold 45sec 4 changes, 2x daily for 1 week then in the morning only, for 30 days. or
- Charcoal Poultice to thyroid area at night when above is not done
- Ice Pack 30 min daily around noon - suppress thyroid activity
- Neutral Tub Bath 1 hour daily
- Cold Mitten Friction
- increase Water intake
- Two teaspoons of charcoal, mid morning, mid-afternoon and at bedtime for 30 days - regulates bowels and absorbs excess hormone
- Exercise outdoors in the cool hours - don't over-exercise
- Avoid iodised salt, cheese and wine
- Eat plenty of cabbage-like vegetables.
Contraindications in severe cases
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
General Method:
- Autointoxication is main problem, but patients are usually feeble so very carefully Graduated Tonic Cold
- Bed Rest
Pathological Problems
Clinical Problems:
- Emaciation
- Palpitation
- Insomnia
- Neuralgia
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Gastric Irritability
- Jaundice
- Tremor
- Very hot or cold general applications
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
For Retention Fever use:
- Tonic
- Revulsive
- cold Foot Douche
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Enlargement of thyroid gland or goitre
Early stages:
- nervous, restless, irritable, insomnia, fine tremor or hands
- mental activity increase, rapid ideation
- rapid pulse 100-160bpm
- skin warm, moist, sweaty, vasodilation, fever
- asthenia, languor
- enlarged thyroid (goitre) due to increased vascularity and hypertrophy
- later - eyes bulge, lids closed with difficulty, eye dry due to dilation of orbital vessels
Aims of treatment:
- reduce blood supply and decrease thyroxin secretion
- slow heart rate and restore skin vessels to normal tone
usually excellent results in patients over 30, those 18-20 recover spontaneously in 3-4 years
- Ice Bag over thyroid 30min Alternate 4x with...
- Ice Bag Precordial Compress 30min 3-5x a day
- Cold Mitten Friction 1-3x day
- absolute rest until pulse is normal with freedom from stress
- Effervescent Bath
If extremely nervous or insomniac...
- spinal Fomentations or Neutral Tub Bath
If cold extremities:
- Alternate Foot Bath or Alternate Douche to feet
After surgery if thermic reaction...
- Cooling Compress to chest and Precordial Compress
- Cold Mitten Friction BD or better Cold Towel Rub
3 days usually sufficient