Wet Sheet Rub

Dr Kellogg says...
Wet Sheet Rub
Indeed, the wet-sheet pack is one of the most useful of hydrotherapeutic procedures, as it combines at once very powerful effects, great convenience and universality of application, and remarkable flexibility for modification to suit different pathological conditions. It is a powerful means of influencing the general nutrition through its effects upon the sympathetic nervous system, and through it upon all the processes of secretion, circulation, assimilation and excretion. While less perturbing than the douche, it is still capable of producing in a more gradual, gentle manner, most profound impressions on the whole vital economy. p611

from Hydrothermic Remedies...
- Two sheets
- Two Towels
- Hot Foot Bath
- pail of water at 15-20°C
- Patient should be warm
- Apply Cold Compress to head
- Patient stands in Hot Foot Bath or tub bath if just finished
- Wring a sheet from cold water so it does not drip
- Wrap patient as follows:
- have him raise his arms and place upper left corner of sheet under the right arm and have him lower his arm to hold it
- Pass sheet in front of the body under the left arm which is lowered, then across the back and up over the right shoulder
- Pass across the front over the left shoulder and tuck corner in the sheet behind
- Tuck sheet between the patient's legs
- Rub vigorously and give percussion over the hole sheet as quickly as possible until the sheet is thoroughly warmed. (Rub over the sheet don't rub the patient with the sheet)
- Two attendants give the best results
- Dry with a sheet and towels
- vigorous Tonic Friction only used after patient can react to Cold Towel Rub
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
Tonic, Fluxion, Derivative, Antiphlogistic
- 1 sheet
- drying sheet
- 2 towels
- Hot Foot Bath 40°C
Tonic Derivative
Wrung dry out of 15°C water, with Hot Foot Bath 40-43°C to prevent congestion in...
- Following Sweating Treatments
- Alterative - wrung slightly, double sheet renewed 3-4min with friction
- Debility - thin sheet wrung dry, 10-15°C 1-2min, vigorous rub in:
- Superficial Anaemias 15°C
- Cerebral Congestion in
- Insomnia add salt 200gm/litre, 15°C
- 1-2min (increases circulatory reaction)
- If skin is dry and hot use water 25-30°C, do not use Wet Sheet Rub at all if skin is cool
- Visceral Congestion in:
- Spinal Cord Inflammation
- Colitis
- Splenic Congestion and Hepatic Congestion especially after Malaria and in Chronic Indigestion
- Chronic Gastritis
- Hypopepsia
- Entero-Colitis
- Gastric Dilation
- Enteroptosis
- Dysentery
- Gastroenteritis
- Constipation
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Pelvic Congestion where little pain
- Inactive Skin with second daily Sweating Treatments in...
- chronic Indigestion
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Gout
- Diabetes
- Cardiac Insufficiency permanent results in:
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Valvular Heart Disease
- Oedema (with preceding short heat) in strong patients
Short duration, dry sheets and vigorous rubbing to prevent thermic reaction in:
- Eruptions
- Hyperaesthesia
- Acute Visceral Inflammation
- Widespread Neuritis
- Severe Neuralgia
- Very Feeble
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Very vigorous Tonic. Do not use until patient reacts well to Cold Towel Rub
- Patient stands in a tub of hot water.
- Begin with sheet wrung almost dry.
- Rub over the sheet until skin is warm then quickly dry the patient with sheets or towels.
- Later use colder, wetter sheets. When reacting well move to Dripping Sheet
General Applications
Miscellaneous General
- Bedbound
- Bedroom Procedure
- Clothing the Limbs
- Concentrated Food
- Dry Friction
- Dry Shampoo
- Electric Light Bath
- Evaporating Sheet
- General Measures
- Graduated Tonic Cold
- Hot Air Bath
- Immune System Maintenance
- Local Hot Air Bath
- Local Vapor Bath
- Oil Rub
- Russian Bath
- Salt Glow
- Sleep Routine
- Sponge
- Sun Bath
- Superheated Air Bath
- Therapeutic Fever
- Tonic Effects
- Turkish Bath
- Vapor Bath