Graduated Tub Bath
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
Most efficient Antipyretic - use where cold bath is contraindicated.
- Begins at temperature 2°C below patient's body temperature,
- Steadily lower at 1°C every 5 min, to 30°C while constantly rubbing.
- Watch patient's reaction, hold temperature where most favourable
- Every 3 hours, at fevers above 40°C up to ½ the patient's time
In feeble :-
- First time go down to 32°C but very slowly
- lower each day by 1°C until 22°C is reached
Use in: Production Fevers
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
- Tonic
- Antipyretic especially in Typhoid Fever better than Brand Bath
- Skin must be warm
- Cooling Compress to head
- Patient comfortable with air pillow and hammock
- Watch pulse and closely and take temperature every 10min
- Begin at 36.5°C or 1°C below oral temperature
- gradually reduce to 33°C or if chilled, commence constant rubbing
- or use spinal bag of hot water.
- continue to reduce to 30°C
- On removal wrap and dry patient in sheet quickly
- if chilly or goose flesh - hand rub briskly
- if cyanotic - Hot Blanket Pack then Cold Mitten Friction