Typhoid Fever
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
High fever, slow pulse, diarrhea
For toxic Effects on CV, nervous and renal systems:-
- Push water even with small retention Enemas, if severe diarrhea may need IV fluids.
- Maintain electrolyte balance
- Gentle Cold Tub Bath
To increase Elimination of toxins and germs:-
- Hot Tub Bath or Hot Foot Bath finished with Cold Mitten Friction
- Therapeutic Diet, garlic
- Massage
- charcoal drinks
To combat Diarrhoea
- charcoal dose after each bout
For stomach or bowel bleeding:-
- Fomentations to Spine 49°C
- Cold Compress or Charcoal Poultice to Abdomen
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
General Method:
- Begin Antipyretics first, before even a positive diagnosis as early vigorous treatment shortens duration, diminishes intensity, lowers mortality and hastens convalescence
- Treat Hyperpyrexia promptly and then Fever as progress is made
- During first 3-7 days of fever - Fruit Juices only, especially grape
- later add Dextrinised Cereals and Malted Foods
- Water Drinking - or by IV at least 125ml per hour
- Prolonged heat
- Short cold
- vigorous friction
- In complications such as heart failure avoid
- extreme cold procedures use mild ones instead
Etiological Problems:
- Prevent Further Infections - find and use only clean water
- Suppress Bacterial Growth in Intestines
- no solid or rich food so no meat or broths,
- Fruit and fruit juices and dextrinised cereals
Pathological Problems:
Clinical Problems:
- Fever Headache
- Neck Pain
- Epistaxis
- Painful Cough
- Foul Tongue and Sordes
- Constipation - copious Coloclyster 24°C 2x a day then Enema 600 mls at 21°C, or an Oil Enema
- Diarrhoea
- Tympanites
- Hyperpyrexia
- Insomnia due to Cerebral Irritability
- Delirium
- Coma
Complications due to secondary infections or toxins:
- Gastric Irritability
- Intestinal Ulcerations
- Intestinal Haemorrhage
- Inflamed Bile Ducts
- Appendicitis
- Laryngitis see Throat Congestion
- Bronchial Irritation
- Pulmonary Congestion see Passive Chest Congestion
- Heart Failure
- Pericarditis or Endocarditis see Cardiac Pain
- Myocarditis
- Phlebitis or Arteritis
- Mania see Cerebral Irritability - 1
- Meningitis
- Stroke
- Hysteria
- Neuritis see Toxaemia for general neuritis
- Sclerosis
- Contractures see Contractions
- Periostitis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis see Swollen Painful Joints
- Muscle Abscess
- Typhoid Ulcers
- Orchitis
- Ovaritis
- Pelvic Haematocele
- Acute Nephritis with Kidney Suppuration and Albuminuria
- Scanty Urine
During Convalescence:
- Fever Sores also called, Bed Sores
- Ataxia and Exhaustion
- see Typhoid Complications for
- Typhoid in Infants
- Typhoid in the Aged
- Typhoid with Puerperal Fever
- Typhoid with Pregnancy
- Typhoid with Erysipelas
- Typhoid with Diabetes
- Typhoid with Obesity
- Typhoid with Influenza
- Typhoid with Tuberculosis
- Typhoid with Malaria
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Acute Nephritis
- Ataxia
- Cardiac Inflammation
- Chills
- Collapse
- Debility
- extreme fever - Antithermic
- Fevers
- Gastric Dilation with dehydration
- acute Renal Congestion
- Toxaemia
- Cooling Compress in later stages Cold Compress in early
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
- to sustain vital resistance, heart action, circulation, elimination until the body has built up immunity.
- Do not reduce the fever unless it is 39.5°C.
- to reduce toxicity's effects on the CNS, circulation and kidneys.
- Cold treatments accomplish all this
Daily Programme:
- daily (mid-morning and afternoon)
- For temperature control: Continuous cooling eg Cooling Coil or
- tepid Rectal Irrigation as does not disturb patient unduly
- for cutaneous stimulation: rubbing cold treatments once or twice
- Water Drinking
- Cooling Pack renew by irrigating
- Cold Towel Rub
- Wet Girdle continuous renewed 30min, interrupt
- with single Fomentations every 2 hours
- Graduated Tub Bath
- Brand Bath better is rubbing Cold Tub Bath
Antipyretic when fever 39.5°C or above:-
- Cold Sponge or hot Sponge if chilly
- ice rub to spine or rest of body except abdomen
- Cold Enema 21-29°C 30min, (except in lung complications as causes retrostasis) with
- Fomentations to spine where pulse weak or rapid:
- Precordial Compress 20min
for Retention Fever
- Hot Foot Bath with large Fomentations to trunk
- Hot Hip and Leg Pack just long enough to cause reaction and overcome chill
- both above with...
- Cooling Compress to head and
- Precordial Compress if needed
- followed by...
- Cold Mitten Friction or
- Cold Towel Rub if temperature below 39.5°C
Chronic case
- Hot Foot Bath then
- Cold Mitten Friction to front of body except abdomen
- Precordial Compress 20 min every 2 hours at night
- Water Drinking or drip
use milder Graduated Tonic Colds
- Pleurisy
- Acute Nephritis Brand Bath in mild cases
- Intestinal Haemorrhage - evidenced by sudden temperature drop After use only cold to areas other than abdomen perforation - as for Intestinal haemorrhage but need surgery
- Menstruation - Graduated Tonic Cold
- Tympanites
- Brand Bath or Cooling Coil to abdomen with
- Fomentations every 2 hours
Diseases of:
Infectious Diseases
- Brucellosis
- Bubonic Plague
- Candida
- Chickenpox
- Cholera
- Complications of Acute Fevers
- Dengue Fever
- Erysipelas
- Fungal Diseases
- Glandular Fever
- Head Lice
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Influenza
- Malaria
- Measles
- Meningitis
- Mumps
- Paronychia
- Pediculosis
- Plague
- Remittent Malaria
- Scarlet Fever
- Smallpox
- Spanish Influenza
- Thrush
- Tinea
- Tuberculosis
- Typhoid Fever
- Typhus Fever
- Undulant Fever
- Variola
- Whooping Cough
- Yellow Fever