Retention Fever
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
- Hot Mitten Friction
- Towel Bath
- Cooling Friction especially in children
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
Fever with either normal or diminished Heat Elimination
Seen as cold skin, cyanosis, chilliness and shivering.
Kellogg calls: Adynamic Fevers
- Anaemia
- Acute Gastritis
- Gastroenteritis
- Gallstones
- Insanity
- Mania
- Peritonitis
- Oedema
- Gout - Hot Blanket Pack then Neutral Tub Bath
- Typhoid Fever
- Scarlet Fever
- Tonsillitis - 2
- Diphtheria - 2
- Lobar Pneumonia
- Influenza
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Dengue Fever - 2 and Cooling Pack and copious Enema 2x a day
- Tuberculosis - neutral Wet Sheet Pack + resting in horizontal until temperature becomes normal in evening
- Hepatitis - sweating Wet Sheet Pack then Neutral Tub Bath
Treatment Method:
- Bed Rest
- copious Water Drinking
- Hot Mitten Friction
- prolonged Neutral Tub Bath 31-33°C 30-60 min daily or
- neutral Wet Sheet Pack 15-20 min
- Fomentations to Spine, over irritated organ or to abdomen
- then or with simultaneous Cold Enema or Cooling Pack
- Hot Blanket Pack, 10 min followed by cold Half Pack or
- Graduated Tub Bath or prolonged Tepid Tub Bath or
- Blanket Wrap
- Hot and Cold Tub Bath
- hot Evaporating Sheet, hot Sponge
- Vapor Bath or Electric Light Bath
- All the above followed by Graduated Tonic Cold especially:
- or simultaneous Local Antiphlogistics as needed
- Hot Blanket Pack then sweating Wet Sheet Pack
- prolonged Neutral Tub Bath when rectal temperature rises above 38.5°C
- Hot Enema followed by Cold Towel Rub or Cold Mitten Friction
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
Treatment Method:
- Bed Rest
- Copious Water Drinking
Low Grade Fever: mild treatment in elderly or children
- tepid Sponge
- Cooling Compress
- Hot and Cold Tub Bath
- Hot Blanket Pack
- hot Evaporating Sheet
- hot Sponge
- Fomentations to the back - directly affect sweat centres
- Fomentations to the abdomen followed by Cold Enema - especially in chilliness, to prevent abdominal pains or cramps in cold baths and with
- Abdominal Heating Compress to prevent Visceral Congestion
- Fomentations to back or abdomen followed by Cooling Pack
- Hot Blanket Pack followed by Graduated Tub Bath
- Hot Blanket Pack followed by Tepid Tub Bath 30-60 min, daily
- Hot Blanket Pack followed by Cold Mitten Friction
- Hot Blanket Pack, 10 min followed by Cold Heating Trunk Pack
- Hot Blanket Pack then Sweating Pack
- neutral Wet Sheet Pack 15-20 min
- Vapor Bath or Electric Light Bath or Hot Enema
- Antipyretic Hot Tub Bath
- Half Bath
Any of the above followed by Graduated Tonic Cold especially:
Or simultaneous Local Antiphlogistics as needed
prolonged Neutral Tub Bath when rectal temperature rises above 38.5°C
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Fever with either normal or diminished Heat Elimination
- cold skin, wet or dry
- cyanosis
- goose flesh
- chilly sensations
- shivering
- warm the skin
- combat internal congestion
Hot applications until blood is brought back to skin
- Hot Blanket Pack
- very short Hot Tub Bath
- hot Cooling Pack
- Heating Pack
- hot Sponge
- Fomentations to spine and/or abdomen
- Hot Water Drinking
- Cold Mitten Friction