Lobar Pneumonia
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
See and compare with Pneumonia
General Method:
- Maintain warmth and activity in skin - wrap shoulders
- Prevent pulmonary congestion by same methods
- Carefully use cold treatments as may cause retrostasis
- Promote Resistance
- Plenty of Pure warm air
- have Oxygen on hand for breathing
- general Cold eg Brand Bath
- Cold Tub Bath
Pathological Problems:
- Low Resistance
- Passive Chest Congestion and Infection
- Toxaemia
Clinical Problems:
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
A lobe of the lung becomes so densely congested that it is solid with phlegm, today is largely prevented by antibiotics
- Chest Pack - Revulsive
- Hot Chest Pack
- Hot Blanket Pack
- Cooling Compress early stages
Tonic in chronic cases with inactive mucus glands
- stage I Wet Sheet Pack
- Percussion
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
see also Broncho-Pneumonia especially if it is an infant or child
Prevent by
- exercise outdoors in cold air
- hot bathing terminated by vigorous reaction to cold
- exposure to ultraviolet in sunlight or lamps
Symptoms: Chest pain, dyspnoea, rapid respiration, cyanosis, cough with "prune juice" or "rusty" sputum.
Disease: general toxaemia and 3 stages of lung changes:
- intense Pulmonary Congestion
- Red Hepatisation: Blood exudes into alveoli until one or more lobes become consolidated, when pneumonia technically begins and must now run its course.
- Grey Hepatisation: Exudate softens and is absorbed. The crisis (sudden drop in temperature) marks the beginning of stage 3.
Treatment: - must be systemic to treat the two main dangers
- deficient oxygenation of blood
- circulatory failure
Aims: increase oxygenation, sustain heart and circulation, increase leucocytosis and phagocytosis, decrease toxaemia.
In Stage 1: abort and treat congestion by Derivative or Diaphoretics by taking to full Derivation by...
- very hot Leg Bath
- Hot Hip and Leg Pack
- full Hot Blanket Pack (best if patient chilled)
all with
- Hot Water Drinking
- Ice Bag to affected lobe (lower on side and back) with intermittent Fomentations if prolonged.
- Precordial Compress
- concluding Cold Mitten Friction then
- very hot Fomentations then interval
- followed by Graduated Tonic Cold to cause marked reaction.
To increase oxygenation:
- plenty of fresh cold air (keep body warm)
To support circulation:
- Cooling Pack frequently renewed to chest every 2-3 hrs or Heating Compress renewed every hour
- Hot Foot Bath every 5 hrs
- interval Square Chest Pack or Heating Compress
- Cold Mitten Friction (precede by Fomentations if chilliness) to complete reaction if heart embarrassed by repetition and percussion or Dry Friction
- in mild cases without fever or dyspnoea - bath at 37°C gradually reduced to 32°C followed by 32°C Pail Pour to chest and shoulders while sitting in the tub.
For unresolved cases:
- Scotch Douche or Alternate Douche (spray) to chest over area without percussion then
- Alternate Douche (percussion) to feet and legs
To treat pain follow Pleurisy
To treat cough see Coughs and Viscid Phlegm
To increase diuresis large quantities of either hot or cold water (depending on indications) drunk in small amounts.
Keep bowels open by Enemas
Low protein diet. - aims to relieve congestion, by Derivation, before formation of exudate or prevent spread of consolidation
- very warm room, patient in bed and warmly covered, avoid exposure
- Hot Water Drinking or lemon
- Hot Foot Bath with hot water added as fast as possible
- very hot Fomentations, very thick and large, from spine to sternum over painful side change quickly 4X. When sweating profusely, chest and feet are red then...
- Cold Mitten Friction energetic and very brisk, expose only part being treated, feet last.
- after first treatment:- rest for 2 hours and sleep if can
- subsequent treatment:- late morning: full treatment but heat not prolonged to sweating. Late afternoon or evening: same if patient very ill, if improving...
- 3 Fomentations to upper chest if Cough or to spine if restless or sleepless
- warm Sponge or Alcohol Sponge or witchhazel Sponge
- requires rest and sleep
- Coughs
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Tachycardia - weak and rapid
- Delirium
If treatment successful before consolidation is fixed in stage 2, recovery takes 3-4 days
Keep extremities warm
Hypostatic pneumonia
- Alternate Compress
- cold Pail Pour to the back
- Graduated Tub Bath down to 32°C