Typhoid Complications
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
Treat the same as typhoid but with these additions
Typhoid Fever with:
- Infants
- Graduated Tub Bath
- prolonged Neutral Tub Bath
- Cooling Pack
- continuous Abdominal Heating Compress
- Cold Enema
- Water Drinking or IV
- Avoid Brand Bath
- The Aged - as Infants with ...
- Cold Mitten Friction over heart and chest every 3 hours with
- continuous Abdominal Heating Compress in interval
- Puerperal Fever as Infants with
- prolonged Neutral Compress
- Graduated Tub Bath no lower than 27°C
- Hot Blanket Pack followed by Cold Towel Rub or
- hot Pelvic Pack
- Hot Enema and Intra-Uterine Irrigation and Vaginal Irrigation
- Precordial Compress or Ice Bag
- Fomentations over abdomen 5-10 min every 2-3 hours with...
- Heating Compress 15°C renewed every 20 min in interval
- Pregnancy as for Infants with:
- Erysipelas
- Ice Bag to inflamed surfaces change every 15 min
- Fomentations for 5 min every 2 hours
- After 24 hours Cooling Compress to inflamed part change every 20 min, prolong to Heating Compress as inflammation diminishes
- Diabetes
- prolonged Tepid Tub Bath
- Cold Enema
- Fomentations to Spine and Abdomen followed by neutral Wet Sheet Pack, Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub
- Obesity
- Cooling Pack
- Cold Mitten Friction or Cold Towel Rub
- Revulsive Compress to chest 2x a day then Cold Enema and
- Half Chest Pack changed every 2 hours
- Influenza
- Hot Foot Bath followed by heating Wet Sheet Pack continued to Sweating if possible
- Hot Leg Pack
- Short Hot Tub Bath followed by prolonged Neutral Tub Bath with
- Cold Compress to head
- See Pericarditis
- Tuberculosis
- Neutral Tub Bath followed by Cold Towel Rub and
- Heating Compress to chest changed every 2 hours.
- Avoid Brand Bath
- Neutral Tub Bath followed by Cold Towel Rub and
- Malaria see Chills
- During chill...
- as above but use cold Pail Pour patient sitting in tub
- If febrile...
- During chill...
Other Dysfunctions
- Addison's Disease
- Amyloid Degeneration
- Ascites
- Bed Wetting
- Buboes
- Cancer
- Chills
- Debility
- Dyspnoea
- Enlarged Liver and Spleen
- Enlarged Spleen
- Enlarged Thyroid
- Gumma
- Hepatic Hypertrophy
- Heat Exhaustion
- Hypothermia
- Liver Damage
- Liver Enlargement
- Low Resistance
- Malarial Cachexia
- Profuse Perspiration
- Purpura Oedema
- Relapsing Malaria
- Rheumatic Fever Sequelae
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Spleen Enlargement
- Swollen Face
- Thyroid Enlargement
- Typhoid Complications
- Typhoid State