from Hydrothermic Remedies...
TB of the lung...
- Graduated Tub Bath 2x day except when hemorrhaging
- Destroy sputum, don't swallow it
- lots of outdoor exercise
- Sun Bath
For pain...
- Fomentations then Heating Compress over chest
For lung haemorrhage...
- Very hot to spine between shoulders, ice to chest and hands,
- hot to legs and sitting up
TB of bones and joints...
- Sun Bath
- Alternate Compress to affected area
from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
General Method:
- Increase resistance (the main object in treatment) by...
- carefully Graduated Tonic Cold 2-3x a day
- short Electric Light Bath 3x a week
- elevated cool climate
- Avoid chilling - chills will first aggravate the cough
- general Cold treatments when haemorrhage is likely
- Turkish Bath and Russian Bath
Etiological Problems:
- Destroy sputum, avoid swallowing sputum
- Live in open air, sleep in cool, well ventilated rooms
Pathological Problems:
Clinical Problems:
from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
- Mildest Tonic in acute cases
During Convalescence in fevers:
- Wet Sheet Pack
- Cold Mitten Friction
- Cooling Compress to the chest
from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
Hydrotherapy is an important but minor part of treatment compared with fresh cold air, liberal diet, high altitude and sunshine
- Each patient requires individualised routine
- Diet - not all patients eat the same thing. Milk, eggs, cereals and fruit should be the basis in the beginning with the aim to a quick return to normal diet.
- Fresh air 24 hours a day in a dry climate. Over 1000m if nervous. Breathing exercises when healing has progressed.
- Body temperature >37.5°C must have complete bedrest, from 37°C mostly in bed.
- Sun Bath - very good
- Hydrotherapy - only use Fomentations with Cold Mitten Friction
- Fomentations to chest for discomfort and Pleurisy
- Cold Mitten Friction for checking Night sweats
- Graduated Tonic Cold when patient recovered only.
- Excitant
- extreme Diaphoretics
Diseases of:
Infectious Diseases
- Brucellosis
- Bubonic Plague
- Candida
- Chickenpox
- Cholera
- Complications of Acute Fevers
- Dengue Fever
- Erysipelas
- Fungal Diseases
- Glandular Fever
- Head Lice
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Influenza
- Malaria
- Measles
- Meningitis
- Mumps
- Paronychia
- Pediculosis
- Plague
- Remittent Malaria
- Scarlet Fever
- Smallpox
- Spanish Influenza
- Thrush
- Tinea
- Tuberculosis
- Typhoid Fever
- Typhus Fever
- Undulant Fever
- Variola
- Whooping Cough
- Yellow Fever