Pages in Problems Section
- Abdominal Pain In Children
- Abdominal Pain
- Abdominal Tenderness
- Abscess
- Acidosis
- Active Chest Congestion
- Acute-Congestive Cough
- Addison's Disease
- Agitation
- Albuminuria
- Alternating Constipation and Diarrhoea
- Alveolar Abscess
- Amblyopia
- Amyloid Degeneration
- Anaemic Headache
- Anal Spasm
- Angina
- Angioedema
- Anorexia
- Anxiety
- Aphonia
- Arteriosclerosis
- Articular Effusions
- Ascites
- Ataxia
- Atelectasis
- Athletes Foot
- Atrophy
- Autointoxication
- Backache
- Baldness
- Bed Sores
- Bed Wetting
- Bladder Atony
- Bladder Inflammation
- Boils
- Bowel Obstruction
- Bradycardia
- Breast Inflammation
- Bronchial Irritation
- Buboes
- Burning Feet
- Burns
- Cancer
- Capillary Bronchitis
- Cardiac Enlargement
- Cardiac Inflammation
- Cardiac Insufficiency
- Cardiac Oedema
- Cardiac Pain
- Celiac Irritation
- Cerebral Anaemia
- Cerebral Congestion
- Cerebral Hyperaemia
- Cerebral Irritability
- Cerebro-Spinal Congestion
- Cervico-Occiputal Headache
- Chilblains
- Childbirth
- Childhood Fevers
- Chills
- Chronic Congestion
- Chronic Cough
- Chronic Neuritis
- Chronic Ovarian Congestion
- Chronic Prostate Enlargement
- Circulatory Dysfunctions
- Clavus
- Clonic Spasm
- Cold Extremities
- Colic
- Collapse
- Coma
- Congestion
- Congestive Headache
- Contractions
- Convulsions
- Cough
- Coughs
- Cramps
- Cyanosis
- Debility
- Decreased Peristalsis
- Delayed Eruption
- Delirium Tremens
- Delirium
- Dermographia
- Desquamation
- Diabetic Diet
- Diarrhoea
- Diasthesis
- Dietary Problems
- Digestive Dysfunctions
- Dilated Colon
- Dilation Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Dreams
- Drug-Induced Anaemia
- Dry Eruptions
- Dry Skin
- Dysfunctions of Nutrition
- Dysfunctions
- Dyspepsia
- Dyspeptic Headache
- Dyspnoea
- ENT Headache
- Earache
- Eclampsia
- Eczema
- Emphysema
- Endometriosis
- Enlarged Liver and Spleen
- Enlarged Spleen
- Enlarged Thyroid
- Enteric Congestion
- Enteric Infection
- Entero-Colitis
- Epistaxis
- Eructations
- Eruptions
- Erythema Nodosum
- Erythema
- Exaggerated Spinal Reflexes
- Excessive Peristalsis
- Exhaustion
- Extensive Skin Damage
- External Eye Inflammations
- Exudate
- Eyeball Inflammations
- Faecal Accumulation
- Fatigue
- Fever Gastralgia
- Fever Headache
- Feverishness
- Fevers
- Fidgets
- Flatulence
- Fluid Retention
- Flushes
- Formication
- Foul Tongue
- Frontal Headache
- Frostbite
- Gastric Congestion
- Gastric Crises
- Gastric Exhaustion
- Gastric Haemorrhage
- Gastric Hypersecretion
- Gastric Inflammation
- Gastric Irritability
- Gastric Pain
- Gastro-Duodenitis
- Gastroptosis
- General Neuralgic Pain
- Genital Atony
- Girdle Sensation
- Glaucoma
- Growing Pains
- Gumma
- Haematuria
- Haemorrhages
- Haemorrhagic Measles
- Headache
- Heart Failure
- Heartburn
- Heat Exhaustion
- Hepatic Congestion
- Hepatic Headache
- Hepatic Hypertrophy
- Hepatic Inactivity
- Hepatic Pain
- Hernia
- Hiccups
- High Pressure Headache
- Hyperaemic Headache
- Hyperaesthesia
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Hyperhidrosis
- Hyperpyrexia
- Hypertension
- Hypochondria
- Hypothermia
- IlioPsoas Pain
- Inactive Gastric Glands
- Inactive Intestinal Glands
- Inactive Skin
- Indigestion
- Indolent Ulcers
- Ineffective Cough
- Infections
- Inflamed Bile Ducts
- Inflamed Haemorrhoids
- Inflammation Fever
- Inflammations
- Insect Stings
- Insensitive Rectum
- Intestinal Colic
- Intestinal Haemorrhage
- Intestinal Inflammation
- Intestinal Ulcerations
- Intoxication
- Involuntary Spasms
- Irreducible Prolapse
- Irritable Bladder
- Irritable Cough
- Irritating Diet
- Irritations
- Itching
- Jaundice Headache
- Jaundice
- Joint Damage
- Joint Deformity
- Joint Inflammation
- Joint Pain
- Kidney Suppuration
- Lacticaemia
- Laryngeal Diphtheria
- Laryngeal Spasm
- Laxative Diet
- Leg Pain
- Leucorrhoea
- Lightning Pains
- Liver Care
- Liver Damage
- Local Inflammation
- Local Pain
- Local Skin Inflammation
- Loss of Appetite
- Loss of Muscular Sense
- Low Blood Pressure
- Low Haemopoiesis
- Low Motility
- Low Resistance
- Lymph Gland Inflammation
- Lymphangitis
- Lymphatic Dysfunction
- Mastoid Headache
- Mastoiditis
- Mechanical Congestion
- Memory Loss
- Menopause
- Middle Ear Inflammation
- Moist Eruptions
- Morning Sickness
- Mucous Stools
- Mucus Morning Vomiting
- Muscle Abscess
- Muscle Aches
- Muscle Inflammation
- Muscle Pain
- Muscle Rigidity
- Muscle Spasm
- Muscle Tension
- Muscle Twitching
- Muscle Wasting
- Muscle Weakness
- Musculo-Skeletal Dysfunctions
- Nasal Congestion
- Naso-Pharyngeal Irritation
- Nausea
- Neck Pain
- Nephroptosis
- Nerve Congestion
- Nervous Asthma
- Nervous Headache
- Nervous System Irritability
- Nervous Tension
- Neuralgic Hands
- Neurasthenic Headaches
- Neuritic Inflammation
- Neuritis Pain
- Neurogenic Arthropathy
- Neurological Dysfunctions
- Neuropathic Headache
- Neurosis
- Night Sweats
- Nocturnal Asthma
- Nocturnal Pains
- Nodules
- Nosebleed
- Occipital Headache
- Organic Headache
- Osteitis
- Osteomyelitis
- Other Dysfunctions
- Ovarian Disease
- Ovarian Irritation
- Overeating
- Pain Between Shoulders
- Pain and Paraesthesia in Legs
- Pain
- Painful Cough
- Painful Haemorrhoids
- Palpitation
- Paraesthesia
- Paralysis
- Paraplegia
- Paresis
- Paronychia
- Passive Chest Congestion
- Passive Congestion
- Passive Hyperaemia
- Pelvic Atony
- Pelvic Congestion
- Pelvic Haematocele
- Pelvic Haemorrhage
- Pelvic Inflammation
- Pelvic Irritations
- Pelvic Neuralgia
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Persistent Fever
- Phlebitis
- Photophobia
- Pleural Exudate
- Pleural Inflammation
- Pleuritic Pain
- Poison Ivy
- Poor Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Poor Circulation to Spinal Cord
- Poor General Circulation
- Poor Intestinal Digestion
- Poor Local Circulation
- Poor Oxygen Uptake
- Portal Congestion
- Pregnancy
- Prevent Bronchitis
- Prickling in Legs
- Primary Dysmenorrhoea
- Problems
- Production Fever
- Profuse Perspiration
- Prostate Irritation
- Prostate Pain
- Pruritus
- Psychoses
- Puerperal Complications
- Puerperal Fever
- Pulmonary Haemorrhage
- Purpura Oedema
- Radiating Pains
- Raynaud's Disease
- Rectal Inflammation
- Rectal Irritation
- Rectal Pain
- Rectal Spasm
- Regurgitation
- Relapsing Malaria
- Renal Congestion
- Renal Haemorrhage
- Renal Headache
- Renal Inactivity
- Reproductive Dysfunctions
- Respiratory Depression
- Respiratory Dysfunctions
- Restlessness
- Retention Fever
- Rheumatic Fever Sequelae
- Rheumatic Headache
- Rheumatic Pains
- Sacro-iliac Pain
- Scaly Eruptions
- Sciatica
- Sclerosis
- Scrofula
- Secondary Orchitis
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Sensation of Band Around Head
- Sensation of Coldness, Numbness or Pressure
- Sensation of Pressure on Top of Head
- Sensory Loss
- Septic Fever
- Septicaemia
- Sexual Irritation
- Sinusitis
- Skin Problems
- Skin Thickening
- Slow Digesting Diet
- Slow Sugar Breakdown
- Somnolence
- Spinal Cord Inflammation
- Spinal Irritation
- Splenic Congestion
- Stiff Joints
- Strain
- Superficial Anaemias
- Suppressed Menstruation
- Suppuration
- Supra-orbital Headache
- Surgical Fever
- Surgical Shock
- Swollen Face
- Swollen Painful Joints
- Syncope
- Synovitis
- Syphilitic Ulcers
- Tachycardia
- Tear Duct Blockage
- Temporal Headache
- Tetanus
- Thermic Fever
- Thirst
- Throat Congestion
- Throat Inflammation
- Throbbing Pain
- Toothache
- Toxaemia
- Toxaemic Headache
- Toxicity
- Treating Inflammations
- Tremor
- Tubercular Pleurisy
- Typhoid Complications
- Typhoid State
- Typhoid Ulcers
- Ulcers
- Uraemia
- Urethral Irritation
- Urinary Dysfunctions
- Urinary Suppression
- Urine Retention
- Urticaria
- Uterine Disease
- Uterine Displacements
- Uterine Headache
- Vasomotor Congestion
- Vasomotor Spasm
- Vertigo
- Visceral Anaemias
- Visceral Congestion
- Visceral Inflammation
- Visceral Irritation
- Viscid Phlegm
- Vomiting
- Warts
- Weak Abdominal Muscles
- Weak Pulse
- Weakness
- Winter Itch
- Wounds